Examining run-time statistics

Last modified by François Grisez on 2021/04/26 11:48

Access statistics and configuration

When the Flexisip server is running, you can monitor it using:

/opt/belledonne-communications/bin/flexisip_cli.py CONFIG_GET module::Registrar/count-bind

Note that the statistics all start with “count” prefix.

You can get the available configuration options and statistics using CONFIG_LIST command:

/opt/belledonne-communications/bin/flexisip_cli.py CONFIG_LIST all

Also you can change the verbosity level dynamically:

/opt/belledonne-communications/bin/flexisip_cli.py CONFIG_SET 'global/log-level' 'debug'

Connection options

By default, the flexisip_stats.py automatically find the pid of the flexisip process running using pidof.
If you are running multiple flexisips on the same computer, you can specify which one you can to connect to using either:

  •  -s / --socket : path to the socket, default is /tmp/flexisip-<pid>
  •  -p / --pid : the pid of the flexisip process to connect to
  •  -n / --name : to find the pid of a flexisip process that is not named flexisip