Windows UWP
Windows UWP with linphone-sdk
There are 3 kinds of binary :
- Win32 : this is a standard version for Windows with all features.
- WindowsStore : this version is a build of Win32 but with compilation options to allow a Win32 application to be publishable in Windows Store.
- UWP : This version is to be used on UWP application. It is not all featured (for example: before 5.2, OpenH264 wasn't available )
All of these kinds of binary can be build at least on x86 and x64.
Installing the Nuget package
A NuGet package (.nupkg) embedding and wrapping the Linphone SDK for UWP development on Windows is provided for your convenience.
It supports 3 frameworks:
- - netcore (WindowsStore-32bits)
- - netcore45 (Win32-32bits)
- - uap10.0 (UWP-64bits)
Some other frameworks are provided for convenience but aren't fully tested:
- - net5.0 : .NET 5
- - netstandard2.1:.NET Standard
- - netcoreapp3.1 : .NET Core
- - net48 : .NET Framework
If you would like to use another framework, you can build a nuget package from source. In the project, you have to add a target framework in 'cmake/NuGet/windows/' by adding your item in 'dependencies' section:
<group targetFramework="<your target framework>" />
From our Package Registry (>= v5.2.0)
Since version 5.2.0, the nupkg is availble for download from our self-hosted NuGet package registry.
- Add the Linphone package source to your development environment (You only need to do that once)
nuget source Add -Name "Linphone" -Source ""
Or in Visual Studio, go to Tools->Nuget Package Manager->Package Manager Settings, go to Package sources, add a new package source with the URL above. (See below for screenshots of a similar process) - Install the LinphoneSDK.Windows package from that new source
nuget install LinphoneSDK.Windows -Source "Linphone"
You will then be able to update the package as you do other NuGet packages.
From a local package source (< v5.2.0)
For versions below 5.2.0, you will have to manually download or build the nupkg and setup a local source from which to install it.
For versions 5.0.x or 5.1.x, you can get pre-built Nuget packages from :
For anything older, you will have to build it from source:
Download the nuget package and place it in the folder of your choice
In Visual Studio with your project, go to Tools->Nuget Package Manager->Package Manager Settings, go to Package sources, add a new package source to the folder.
After this go to Tools->Nuget Package Manager->Manage Nuget Packages for solution. Select the local source.
Select the project which the sdk will be install.
On updating, be careful to the version : If the version is the same as an old version (for example, it can happen when building your own package), you have to manually delete the folder in .nuget:
Visual Studio try to use the cache before using the version inside the custom folder where you put your package.
Get Liblinphone Log in Visual Studio Output
To set the log in Liblinphone your need to call this:
After this, go to the properties of your UWP project:
Select the "Mixed (Managed and Native)" option for the Debugger type.
Application capabilities
Don't forget to set permission for your applications.
Open Package.appxmanifest:
Set the capabilities needed for your application:
More Help
Demo application :
Documentation :
Tutorials :
Windows UWP with Old Win32 linphone-sdk
Create the desktop project for UWP
Just follow steps here:
Resources to be embedded in application
liblinphone does requires 2 resources files from the nuget paquet to be embedded in the application.
<Content Include="Assets\belr\grammars\vcard_grammar">
Display video
You need to clone the repository "mswinrtvid" add to your project visual studio the project ./mswinrtvid/MSWinRTVideo.vcxproj
Reference MSWinRTVideo in your project. This project will add a new UI form "SwapChainPanel"
Add in your "Package.appxmanifest":
<Extension Category="windows.activatableClass.inProcessServer">
<ActivatableClass ActivatableClassId="MSWinRTVideo.SchemeHandler" ThreadingModel="both" ></ActivatableClass>
<SwapChainPanel x:Name="PreviewSwapChainPanel" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Grid.Column="2" Grid.Row="2" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5">
<CompositeTransform x:Name="PreviewRender" ScaleX="-1"></CompositeTransform>
try {
_videoSource = new MSWinRTVideo.SwapChainPanelSource();
_previewSource = new MSWinRTVideo.SwapChainPanelSource();
LinphoneManager.Instance.Core.NativeVideoWindowIdString = VideoSwapChainPanel.Name;
LinphoneManager.Instance.Core.NativePreviewWindowIdString = PreviewSwapChainPanel.Name;
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("StartVideoStream: Exception {0}", e.Message));
private void StopVideoStream() {
try {
if (_videoSource != null) {
_videoSource = null;
if (_previewSource != null) {
_previewSource = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
Debug.WriteLine(String.Format("StopVideoStream: Exception {0}", e.Message));