URI Handlers
Linphone Desktop can be used in command line (use linphone --cli-help for more information) and with URI handlers.
To deal with handlers, you can use this js module, a README and one example are given to integrate this module in your web page.
Actually the linphone-desktop application supports 6 schemes: sip, sips, sip-linphone, sips-linphone, tel and callto.
This module was tested on GNU/Linux, MacOs and Windows with firefox (62.0.2), chrome/chromium (69.0.3497.100), edge (42.17134.1.0), IE (11.285.17134.0) and Safari (11.1.2 13605.3.8).
The URI format is simple: scheme>:<address>?method=<method>([&<argument>=<base64-value>]*)
For example if you want to launch a call to sip:toto@sip.linphone.org, you can use this URI: sip:toto@sip.linphone.org?method=call.
The command line equivalent is: linphone "call sip-address=sip:toto@sip.linphone.org"
The full command list can be obtained with: linphone --cli-help.