Change IP/subnet of server

Last modified by Peio Rigaux on 2022/06/10 14:14

If there is a need to change the servers' IPs/subnets, here is the procedure :

Check for configurations using the actual IP address

Get the IP list of the network interfaces

ip a

Launch searches in config files to verify that the IPs are not referenced

grep -rn "[ip]" /etc/flexisip/flexisip.conf

grep -rn "[ip]" /etc/flexisip-account-manager

grep -rn "[ip]" [Apache configuration directory (usually /etc/apache2 or /opt/rh/httpd24-httpd/etc/httpd)]

Change the IP/subnet

Replace every occurence to old IPs in config files

 /!\ If Flexisip is deployed in cluster mode (cluster module activated in 2 Flexisip configurations with the IPs set as nodes), the IPs list will needed to be changed on all servers taking part in the cluster

Restart/reload related services

systemctl restart flexisip-proxy

 systemctl reload [apache service name (apache2 or httpd or httpd24-httpd)]