
Last modified by François Grisez on 2020/05/25 11:49

 Documentation based on repostory git version commit 1.0.13 

Module NatHelper

The NatHelper module executes small tasks to make SIP work smoothly despite firewalls.It corrects the Contact headers that contain obviously inconsistent addresses, and adds a Record-Route to ensure subsequent requests are routed also by the proxy, through the UDP or TCP channel each client opened to the proxy.

Configuration options:

NameDescriptionDefault ValueType
enabledIndicate whether the module is activated. trueBoolean
filterA request/response enters module if the boolean filter evaluates to true. Ex: from.uri.domain contains '', from.uri.domain in '', (to.uri.domain in '') && (user-agent == 'Linphone v2') BooleanExpr
contact-verified-paramInternal URI parameter added to response contact by first proxy and cleaned by last one. verifiedString
fix-record-routesFix record-routes, to workaround proxies behind firewalls but not aware of it. falseBoolean
fix-record-routes-policyPolicy to recognize nat'd record-route and fix them. There are two modes: 'safe' and 'always' safeString