
Last modified by Buildbot on 2024/05/03 11:53

 Documentation based on repostory git version commit 2.4.0-alpha-165-g2e051f79 

B2bua server

Flexisip back-to-back user agent server parameters.

Configuration options:

NameDescriptionDefault ValueDefault UnitType

The type of application that will handle calls bridged through the B2BUA. Possible values:
- `trenscrypter` Bridge different encryption types on both ends transparently.
- `sip-bridge` Bridge calls through an external SIP provider. (e.g. for PSTN gateways)

 trenscrypter String

SIP uri on which the back-to-back user agent server is listening on.

 sip:;transport=tcp String

Value of User-Agent header. Use the following syntax: <name>[/<version>] where <version> can bet set to '{version}' that is a placeholder for the Flexisip version.

 Flexisip-B2BUA/{version} String

Directory where to store b2bua core local files

 /var/opt/belledonne-communications/flexisip/b2b String

The Flexisip proxy URI to which the B2bua server should send all its outgoing SIP requests.

 sip:;transport=tcp String

Duration after which the B2BUA will terminate a call if no RTP packet is received from the other call participant. Unit: seconds.

 30 Integer

Any call bridged through the B2BUA that has been running for longer than this amount of seconds will be terminated. 0 to disable and let calls run unbounded.

 0 Integer

When not null, force outgoing video call to use the specified codec.
Warning: all outgoing calls will list only this codec, which means incoming calls must use it too.
