Contextual logs

Last modified by François Grisez on 2020/02/20 11:50

Understanding contextual logs

When running on production serving million of users, it is unrealistic to run with a log verbosity level below warnings: it will too much affect the performance of the server, in terms of CPU and disk usage.

However, it may be desired to obtain debug logs for a limited subset of SIP messages being processed by Flexisip, in order for example to troubleshoot a calling issue affecting a particular user.

This is made possible thanks to contextual logs, which are controlled by two properties of Global section of flexisip.conf:

# A boolean expression applied to current SIP message being processed.
# When matched, logs are output provided that their level is greater
# than the value defined in contextual-log-level. The definition
# of the SIP boolean expression is the same as for entry filters
# of modules, which is documented here:
#  Default value: 

# Verbosity of contextual logs to output when the condition defined
# in 'contextual-log-filter' is met.
#  Default value: debug

The language used to define SIP boolean expression is fully documented here. Here are some examples to illustrate:

Enable debug logs for all activity related to a particular user 'alice':

contextual-log-filter=(from.uri.user == 'alice' || to.uri.user == 'alice')

Enable debug logs relative to the processing of SUBSCRIBE/NOTIFY requests:

contextual-log-filter=request.method == 'SUBSCRIBE || request.method == 'NOTIFY'

Enable debug logs relative to the processing of a 488 error response from a client:

contextual-log-filter=status.code == '488'

Activating contextual logs at run-time

Since troubleshooting could be necessary at any time on a production system, but restarting the service to have the configuration taking into effect is not an option, it is possible to dynamically change the values of the contextual-log-filter and contextual-log-level properties. The change is temporary: the flexisip.conf configuration file is not modified and after a restart the values from flexisip.conf will be used.

To change these values, use the tool (included in flexisip packages in /opt/belledonne-communications/bin). In the following example, we setup a filter to enable logging of everything related to a REGISTER request coming from french phone numbers: -s proxy CONFIG_SET global/contextual-log-filter request.method == \'REGISTER\' '&&' \(from.uri.user contains \'+33\'\)

Pay attention to the escaping: indeed the shell is interpreting some of the operators used in flexisip's sip boolean expression language. In particular:

  • words enclosed by single quotes must have single quotes escaped by '\' character
  • operators like '&&', '||' must be surrounded by single quotes to avoid the shell interpreter to process them.
  • parenthesis must be preceded by '\' character.

To control that your sip boolean expression has correctly been passed to the server, displays the expression that was interpreted by the flexisip server:

contextual-log-filter : request.method == 'REGISTER' && (from.uri.user contains '+33')

Known limitations

Only the proxy service supports contextual log filtering.